Complaints and feedback
Please use the following details if you would like to make a complaint or request a review:
by telephone 020 7811 6460
by email to
by post to Compliance Officer for IPSA, 2nd Floor, 85 Strand, London WC2R 0DW
We are open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. If you would like to know more about how to make a Freedom of Information Request, please visit our Freedom of Information page.
COVID-19 FOI and DPA requests
In line with government advice, IPSA's office is currently closed and staff are working from home.
We are keen to ensure that we can continue to support you as much as possible during this period of remote working with minimal impact on our service.
We strongly advise you not to send information requests to us by post as we have very limited and irregular access to our London office. There are likely to be significant delays between mail being delivered to the office and us collecting it for processing.
We will continue to receive and process any requests sent by email.